$395.00 USD

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Generation Youth Coaching Certification

Register  Now!
Space is limited to 30 people. 

Don’t miss out on this first-time, historic event where we RE-IMAGINE what Youth coaching is about

Investment: is $2275 per person and includes materials and all meals.

Date: TBD

Location: Virtual Online

Time: A detailed schedule will be emailed upon registration

What Our Graduates Are Saying:

As a leader it becomes difficult at times to understand your direction and see your potential. Generation Youth Certification provided me with the personal insight and confidence I was needing to grow further. It challenged my comfort zone and helped me embrace myself. The content was empowering eye-opening and sustainable. With the Youth certification I am better equipped to be the change I wish to see in the world.

Maddie Smith

Generation Youth has given me so much confidence to positively impact the world around me. This class equipped me with the skills to be able to work with youth and make the positive impact that I would’ve been unprepared before to do. Most IMPORTANTLY, I have gained a family here.

Baylee Fox

The Generation Youth Certification program and GYC family is truly about helping you help others. When they say they want to help they MEAN it. The GYC family is truly a community committed to helping others and reflecting value into the lives of others. It was here that I finally accepted and gave myself permission to embrace effectiveness above perfection. In my pursuit to be a revolutionary youth worker I have deepened my perspective and developed a stronger self-image that embraces who I am in spite of myself.

Kirby Schmidt